Community Education

Breakthrough Families Logo

BreakThrough: Families understanding addiction

BreakThrough: Families understanding addiction is a joint initiative between Turning Point and SHARC (Self Help Addiction Resource Centre), funded by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services.

Since 2015, this unique program has helped more than 6,000 family members across Victoria better understand drug use, improve communication and wellbeing, and access appropriate support networks.

BreakThrough . . .

  • Offers practical strategies for family and carers to appropriately respond to a friend, partner or relative with addictive behaviours including substance use and gambling
  • Provides an opportunity for family members to connect and learn from each other
  • Increases family and community member’s knowledge of where to get further help if needed
  • Is accessible to families across Victoria via face-to-face and online Zoom sessions


Key Statistics

Participants say they would recommend the program to other people with similar concerns
Participants say they have increased confidence about getting help after attending BreakThrough


“These sessions so far have been so supportive for me and have given me courage to ask for more support after realising the validity of my current circumstances - putting a 'name' to what I'm experiencing and hearing that others are experiencing it too”.
– BreakThrough participant


For further information, please contact Jeff Lucas at [email protected].

Visit the BreakThrough website

Our Partners

We work in collaboration with the following partners: