As a national treatment, research and education centre, Turning Point provides leadership in the alcohol and other drug, gambling and mental health sectors.

Our research is shaped by clinical practice, and vice versa. This means that instead of gathering dust, our papers have real-world impact.

By participating, you'll be helping to transform the lives of people affected by alcohol, drug or gambling harms.

Feel free to share these opportunities with your friends, family and colleagues.

To keep up to date with future opportunities, as well as our findings from past projects, register for our ‘Engage for Change’ newsletter, below.

Have you been picked up for drug possession or use in Victoria?

Help us understand your experiences, and receive a gift voucher.

Minor drug offences include the possession or use of small quantities of illicit substances (Note: this does not include drug driving offences.) Participation is anonymous & confidential.

Participation involves either:

  1. 30- to 45-minute interview (in person, by telephone or video conferencing), or
  2. Answering the questions online (20–30 minutes).

Who is eligible: People over 18 who have been picked up for a minor drug offence (e.g., possession or use) in Victoria within the last 5 years

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Are you a full-licence driver who currently uses meth?

Help researchers better understand how methamphetamine affects your driving. You will receive a $300 Visa card, and a Subway lunch during your visit.

Participation involves:

  1. completing an online survey (10 minutes), and
  2. one study visit in Hawthorne, Victoria (no more than 4 hours).

Who is eligible:

  • People aged between 21-60 years old.
  • You are a regular driver (at least once per week) with at least 3 years of driving experience and a full driver’s license (no ‘P-Plate’ drivers).
  • You are currently using methamphetamine (at least 1 time per week for the past 6 weeks).
  • You have been diagnosed with methamphetamine use disorder by your physician.
  • Other than nicotine and cannabis, you do not have a diagnosed dependency on other substances.
  • You are willing to abstain from methamphetamine and alcohol for 12 hours before your scheduled visit.

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Do you drink alcohol at least several days per week and want to cut down or quit?

Help us trial a new ‘brain-training’ app to reduce alcohol use. 

Participation involves:

  1. Answering surveys about alcohol use, craving, related problems, and quality of life
  2. Completing attention tests on your phone 
  3. Using the brain-training task for just a few minutes per week for 4 weeks. 

Who is eligible: People aged 18+ years who wish to reduce their alcohol use 

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Are you struggling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and your use of alcohol?

Join our clinical trial of a novel treatment for PTSD and alcohol use problems.

Participation involves an assisted psychotherapy program. The study is randomised and placebo-controlled. The study is entirely confidential and voluntary, and participants will be reimbursed for their time.

Who may be eligible: 

  • adults 18+ who have been diagnosed with PTSD,
  • who are having difficulties cutting down or controlling their drinking, and
  • who are willing to participate in a randomised controlled trial.

If you are interested in participating, click below to learn more or email us at: [email protected]

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Are you currently drinking more alcohol than you would like to be?

Help improve treatments for people who want to reduce their alcohol intake.

You are invited to take part in a research study that aims to explore the effectiveness of a new treatment program in reducing heavy alcohol use and cravings.

Participation involves a 12-week treatment program that includes a medical assessment with our specialist and ongoing monitoring to assist you throughout the program.

Who is eligible: People aged 18-70 years who are having difficulties cutting down or controlling their drinking

If you are interested in participating, click below to learn more or email us at: [email protected]

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Are you a practising (or postgrad student) psychologist or counsellor?

Help us validate a counsellor competence scale designed for mental health professionals treating transgender and gender-diverse clients.

Practising and postgraduate psychologists and counsellors are invited to participate in a study: “Development and validation of the Transgender and Gender Diverse Counsellor Competency Scale”.

This project aims to validate a modified version of the Sexual Orientation Counsellor Competence Scale (SOCCS) specifically tailored for mental health professionals treating transgender and gender diverse (TGD) clients. The study is being conducted by Swinburne University in Melbourne, Australia.

Participation involves completing a 20-30 minute survey. All responses are completely anonymous, and there will be no way to identify you from your response.

If you have any questions, please contact the Chief Investigator, Dr James Williams – [email protected]

Who is eligible: You are eligible if you are over 18 and enrolled in a postgraduate psychology or counselling course, or a practising psychologist or counsellor.

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