If you have found this website useful, why not link to it from your website? It's easy. You'll be able to make the link banner suit your own style and add value to your own website by providing access to visitor information about Turning Point.
Here at TurningPoint, we appreciate links to our site. You can get banner and text link code for TurningPoint below. If you have a website that is related to TurningPoint addiction, research and education, and you would like to exchange links and appear on our Links page, send a link exchange request to [email protected]
Download Banners
Download one of the images below to use on your website. Please note that the banner images given below may be used only to promote and link to the 'turningpoint.org.au'. Kindly adhere to the design specifications as mentioned with each banner so that the image appears as intended and does not get distorted in any way.
Banner 1:
625px X 275px (Width X Height)
- Click on 'Select All' to highlight the code and copy (Ctrl + C) the html code to your computers clipboard.
- Then paste the html code from your clipboard into your web page editing software (HTML view) by pressing keys Ctrl and v.
- Then SAVE and upload the page to your host.
Select All (then Ctrl + C)
<p><a href="https://www.turningpoint.org.au/" target="_blank"><img alt="Turning Point" src="https://turning-point-website-prod.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/drupal-s3fs/s3fs-public/2024-05/TP%20Web%20Link%20Banners_Banner%201.jpg" style="width: 625px; height: 275px;" /></a></p>
- Size: 73Kb
- 625X275 Pixels
- Colour
- JPEG Format
Banner 2:
300px X 300px (Width X Height)
- Click on 'Select All' to highlight the code and copy (Ctrl + C) the html code to your computers clipboard.
- Then paste the html code from your clipboard into your web page editing software (HTML view) by pressing keys Ctrl and v.
- Then SAVE and upload the page to your host.
Select All (then Ctrl + C)
<p><a href="https://www.turningpoint.org.au/"><img alt="Turning Point" src="https://turning-point-website-prod.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/drupal-s3fs/s3fs-public/2024-05/TP%20Web%20Link%20Banner%20GIF%202.gif" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;" /></a></p>
- Size: 73Kb
- 300X300Pixels
- Colour
- GIF Format
Banner 3:
1042px X 625px (Width X Height)
- Click on 'Select All' to highlight the code and copy (Ctrl + C) the html code to your computers clipboard.
- Then paste the html code from your clipboard into your web page editing software (HTML view) by pressing keys Ctrl and v.
- Then SAVE and upload the page to your host.
Select All (then Ctrl + C)
<p><a href="https://www.turningpoint.org.au/"><img alt="Turning Point" src="https://turning-point-website-prod.s3.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/drupal-s3fs/s3fs-public/2024-05/TP%20Web%20Link%20Banners_Banner%204.jpg" style="width: 1042px; height: 625px;" /></a></p>
- Size: 73Kb
- 1042X625Pixels
- Colour
- JPEG Format
Embed Text Links
Turning Point is an Australian addiction research and education centre that provides treatment for people adversely affected by alcohol, drugs and gambling.
- Click on 'Select All' to highlight the code and copy (Ctrl + C) the html code to your computers clipboard.
- Then paste the html code from your clipboard into your web page editing software (HTML view) by pressing keys Ctrl and v.
- Then SAVE and upload the page to your host.
Select All (then Ctrl + C)
<p><a title="Turning Point" href="https://www.turningpoint.org.au/">Turning Point</a> is an Australian addiction research and education centre that provides treatment for people adversely affected by alcohol, drugs and gambling.</p>
Download Our Logo
Turning Point Logo (PDF)
Download Poster
A4 Poster
Coming soon
A3 Poster
Coming soon
Download Social Media Banners
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Coming Soon
Coming Soon
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Join the Turning Point mailing list to receive information regarding our seminar series, professional development training, research and other Turning Point projects.