How to Guide for Telehealth Phone and Video Consultations

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The COVID-19 pandemic has seen a surge in the use of telehealth services across the health care system. It is the safest way to provide care in this environment, and increased awareness of this is resulting in its wide-scale adoption.

Still, the idea of providing treatment through a computer or a telephone is undoubtedly intimidating and novel to many. There are new service delivery models to learn about and new technologies to adapt to, for both clinicians and clients.

To assist health professionals who are new to telehealth, the How to Guide for Telehealth Phone and Video Consultations and Telehealth for Clients Guide have been developed by Turning Point clinicians who have long-standing expertise in delivering telehealth services across the country. These resources compile years of acquired experience in using telehealth and available evidence, to assist health professionals who are transitioning their practice and clients to telehealth platforms. It is hoped that both resources will support the delivery of the best possible telehealth experience to clients now and into the future.
