Connect & Learn: 'There's an app for that!' The which, why and how of smartphone apps for addictive behaviours, Professor Victoria Manning and A/Professor Petra Staiger on the 28th August 2023

8 Sep 2023

In this webinar we will look at who uses addiction apps, what they offer, when they can be used, and how they can be used in the treatment journey.


We will look at the strength of the evidence-base and examine features and behaviour change components that help people manage craving, build motivation, set goals and track progress. We will take a close look at some of the apps available in Australia for alcohol, drugs, smoking and gambling, and discuss strategies for optimising engagement and integrating them into clinical practice.

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About the presenters

Dr Victoria Manning is a Professor in Addiction Studies at Monash University, and Head of Research and Workforce Development at Turning Point, Victoria, Australia. A research psychologist and SMART Recovery group facilitator. She Holds a PhD on neurocognition and co-occurring disorders and has worked as a clinical researcher in addiction treatment in the UK, Asia and Australia for over two decades. Her research portfolio includes psychological, neurocognitive, pharmacological and peer-based trials, prevalence and treatment outcome studies. Teaching and Unit Coordinator on the Masters of Addictive Behaviours course at Monash University.

Dr Petra Staiger is an Associate Professor in the School of Psychology and Deputy Director of the Centre for Drug Use, Addictive and Anti-social behaviour (CEDAAR) at Deakin University. Dr Staiger is an experienced clinical researcher who has a background in clinical work within the mental health and alcohol and other drug services. She has a well-respected national and international reputation in the treatment of mental health and addiction with a strong track record in managing large research grants. Her research expertise is in investigating the etiology and treatment of individuals with addictive behaviour problems with a particular focus on those with complex needs (i.e., polydrug users, co-morbid mental health problems, family violence). Dr Staiger currently manages as lead or co-investigator on a number of large research grants funded by NHMRC and ARC.