Dr Natasha Hall
Research Fellow, National Addiction and Mental Health Surveillance Unit, Turning Point and Monash University
Natasha started working at Turning Point in 2023, with role including work in data analysis using health economics, costing methods, and data linkage.
Natasha is an instrumental part of Turning Point’s development of novel health economic projects, and is currently researching the societal costs associated with mental health ambulance callouts within Australia.
Natasha worked as a clinical pharmacist in both hospital and community settings for several years, before completing her Masters of Health Economics (2018) and PhD (2023) at Deakin University. As part of her Masters project, she determined and explored factors associated with catastrophic healthcare expenditure in Palestinian refugees in Jordan.
Natasha completed her PhD in 2023, which focused on estimating the economic burden of opioid use disorders and examining the barriers to opioid agonist treatments using health economic methods.
Research interests
Natasha research interests include:
- Health economics
- Cost of illness studies
- Economic evaluations
- Discrete choice experiments
- Quality of life studies
- Mental health
- Opioid use disorders
Contact details
You can contact Natasha at [email protected]
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